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Note for charging of mine lamp charging cabinet

2021-04-28 14:31:00

 1. In the charging process, as the charging voltage is higher than the rated voltage of the bulb, making the bulb easy to be burned out, the lamp head switch should be turned off. So that the lamp is off when charging.

2. In the initial charging process, after 24 hours of charging, the charging indicator needle of each battery should be in the same position as the indicator of the indicator, at about 1 ampere. In case the needles of individual charging indicators are not moving or are too far apart, the respective exposures should be checked.

3. Good preparations should be made before the initial charging to ensure that the charging current will not be interrupted during the initial charge, otherwise, the quality of the battery will be affected.

4. For normally discharged batteries, the charging current is about 2 amperes at the initial of charging. However, due to different discharge conditions, the charging current will vary. In case some batteries have a particularly low charging current, each contact point in the charging circuit should be carefully checked for failures.

5. During the public holidays, the battery may not be taken off the charging rack, and the charging circuit is not required to be cut off. Then no overcharging will be caused. At the same time, as the battery discharge situation is not the same, the public holiday charging time can be used for a “balanced charging”, so as to make each battery reach the same charging state.

6. In the charging process, in case the external power supply is suddenly cut off, the lamp head of the backtracking line should be rotated counterclockwise immediately and the charging circuit should be cut off. Otherwise, when the AC lamp management workers train the case, in case the source is cut off, the battery will be discharged through the charger.

7. Voltmeters on silicon rectifiers shall be verified with standard voltmeters once a month.