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Software system function of intelligent mine lamp rack

2021-04-28 14:27:48

1. Intuitive and clear interface

Our software interface uses icons to display the status of the mine lamp, which is more intuitive with better visual effect. However, that of Shijiazhuang City uses character to display, which is rigid and not humanized

2. Prompt automatic report generation

The statistics of the personnel information can be viewed at any time.

3. Prompt mine lamp failure overtime alarm and expiration alarm

4. Permanent data storage

We create an automatic folder on disk D for automatic backup of daily data. Even if the system and the software are broken, the data will not be broken, recovery is easy and the data will not be lost first. The database takes up very little space (generally, only 1-2g files are backed up every day for 3 years). Data backup of Shijiazhuang is slow and difficult to be recovered. The data backup takes up a lot of space (Generally, more than 10G are occupied for about 1 year).

5. Open database that can be used for uploading

IE can be used to access the IP assigned to the host, which is a server. The interface directly displayed through IP access is the same as the login interface of the software, but various data can only be viewed but not modified. Shijiazhuang does not provide such function.